We Chose Resolvology to Guide Us Through Our Crisis

Find focus and discover if growth can occur with your partner again


All great Changes are preceded by Chaos”
~ Deepak Chopra


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Restoring growth after an affair

  • The affair impacting your marriage may be a behavioural sign that there are unmet needs in your relationship.
  • Research tells us that your marital issues brought to light by an affair are unlikely to resolve themselves without you engaging with an experienced professional.
  • You and your spouse can be guided through a three-stage process to help you with the direction of your marriage.  My process is the M3: managing, meaning and moving forward.

Re-establish stability following a health Crisis

  • You and your spouse could both benefit from self-care strategies.
  • Yours may be one of the many marriages impacted by temporary or chronic physical or mental health issues that increase depression or anxiety.
  • If you are feeling a sense of betrayal at your spouse getting ill, you are normal. Unforeseen or unintended losses are legitimate and you have every right to feel emotional.

Re-establish stability following job loss or financial crisis

  • Ask anyone who has lost a job…. It impacts you and your spouse.
  • Fewer resources may prevent you from utilizing your normal coping strategies.
  • See how you can lean into instead of away from your spouse  – it involves discussing a plan. What is yours?

How can I help you with your marriage?

Start with a free 20 minute phone consultation.

201-225 11th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB, T2G 0G3

Tel: 403-869-5080

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