I’ll Help You Create the Relationship You Want

Expert guidance to help you create your next relationship…Together!


“How wonderful is it that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world”
~ Anne Frank


Book Apointment

Be happier than you have ever been in your relationship

When asked about why my clients are seeking marriage counselling, most of them tell me they want to be happy with their spouse.

  • Your happiness is rooted in having a broader vision of your life together and feeling as though your joint contribution to that vision matters.
  • When you observe your partner doing something they are really good at you are more likely to have increased desire for them. Try it out.
  • When you create a balance of desire and security your relationship remains dynamic and this is a protective factor that keeps a marriage healthy.
Be happier than you have ever been in your relationship

Be your spouse’s ally in life

When you balance your mutual and individual needs you increase interdependence in your relationship.

  • Allowing your spouse to influence your thinking and behaviour is a strong indicator that “you have each others back”.
  • When you adopt a “No man left behind” approach to the day-to-day demands of married life you communicate you value your partner as much as you value yourself.
  • Your sense of partnership is enhanced by daily conversations about seemingly unimportant events of the day.
Be your spouses ally in life

Be a collaborator when you communicate

When your spouse takes time to really hear what is underneath your words you can eliminate the repetitive, fruitless arguments that lead to frustration.

  • When you engage in the common competitive/avoidance pattern you are communicating on the surface. When you use skills and take time to understand what your partner needs then you build intimacy through communication.
  • Your communication style shows a lot about how powerful or powerless you feel in your relationship.
  • Unconditional support is communicated when you listen to your spouse.
Be a collaborator when you communicate

Redesigning your relationship begins with identifying your mutual purpose for your relationship. Is it to live a life of adventure, leave a legacy of children, or to build a financial empire? Maybe it’s a little of all three or none of these. When you and your spouse work toward different ends you may feel compromised in your own dreams. Recognize that both of you have changed over the years and you may need to renegotiate the terms of your partnership. Jeannine provides a safe space to have this conversation and can manage the differences that inevitably arise. Create the new relationship you want.

Are You Ready to Create the Relationship You Want?

Start with a free 20 minute phone consultation.

201-225 11th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB, T2G 0G3

Tel: 403-869-5080

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