Frequently Asked Questions
Considering marriage counselling? Here are answers to common questions.Why should we choose you over other therapists?
The following outlines my process.
Session one: informed consent, general assessment and goal setting
Session two: time with each spouse individually to screen for affairs, violence and to be clear on perspective. During that time the other spouse completes standardized testing to identify strengths of marriage and examine motivation to change etc.
Session three: Education about conflict styles and identification of your primary conflict style. Assessment of how power is used in the relationship and the resulting communication difficulties.
Session four: Engage clients in deep conversation uncovering the deeper issues motivating the disharmony, continuing to work towards goals established in session one.
Session five onwards: Increasing emotional understanding and providing strategies aimed at helping clients meet their goals.
In the beginning clients can expect to meet three times within the first two weeks. As clients show progress the sessions are scheduled further apart. When the goals established in the first session are met the process is complete. There is an additional session booked three months later to address relapse and affirm the behaviours that are working.
What are the Risks and Benefits of Marriage Counselling?
How many sessions does it take to improve our relationship?
Does Insurance cover the fees?
Please note that fees for packaged services are due at the onset of the services. Fees for a la carte services are due following each session. You will be given a receipt for the services at the time of payment.
What do you charge for Mediation?
Jeannine charges $320.00 per hour for mediation services and report writing.
Where are you located?
The Resolvology office is located in Keynote Tower Two at 225 11th Avenue SE, Suite 201, Calgary.
How do I make an appointment?
The last time we went to a marriage counselor I felt like the problem. Is that typical?
What is the wait time for an appointment with Jeannine?
Will therapy work if my partner is not fully committed?
My friend told me marriage therapy doesn’t work and it's a waste of money?
Couples enter therapy for many reasons. Jeannine establishes outcomes for couple’s therapy in the first session to help people clarify their expectations. It’s at this point that a couple can determine if therapy is for them. Jeannine refers to these goals throughout the process to help keep couples focused. This is how we “keep it real” as they say.
Therapy is most successful when clients and therapists work together. At the conclusion of most sessions I ask “what did we do that was useful?” and “what did we do that was not helpful?” It is through these conversations we continue to tailor the work to your specific needs. We also engage in a positive communication process that can inform your relationship with your partner.
What do you charge for couple’s therapy?
Marriage Redesign Program: includes 8 sessions, four psychological assessment tests and access to Jeannine’s online resource library. $2,000.00
Crisis Intervention Program: includes 12 sessions, six psychological assessments, and access to Jeannine’s online resource library, a self-care assessment and program for each party and a copy of a book addressing the crisis in marriage. $ 3,250.00
A La Carte: Hourly fees are $230.00 per 50-60 minutes. Psychological assessment costs vary.
What do you charge for individual therapy, coaching and therapy for children?
Jeannine charges $220.00 per 50-60 minutes.
Can I do anything to prepare for couples therapy?
How do we get started?
Once you have decided to move forward the first step is to decide on the type of service you need and make contact with Jeannine.
Questions Related to Parenting
What is a Parenting Coordinator (PC) and what is their role with parents?
Parenting coordination is an alternate form of dispute resolution for parents who are experiencing conflict in their co-parenting relationship. Parenting coordination is provided by an experienced professional in the area of family in law including Psychologists, Lawyers, Mediators and other mental health professionals. A family may have parenting coordination ordered by a court or they may voluntarily hire a PC to help them resolve day to day issues that cause conflict for the couple. Issues such as pick up and drop off dynamics, communication regarding the child, discipline issues, extra-curricular or educational activities. Parenting Coordinators can act as mediators or arbitrators or both depending on the agreement with the parents.
For more information go to the Alberta Family Mediation Society website at
What are common symptoms that a child is feeling stress or trauma?
Children who demonstrate a change in behaviour or mood can be in a state of stress and or feel a state of trauma. Like most people, common signs of distress are a change in behaviour such as sleeping more or less, eating more or less, withdrawing from activities and people they once enjoyed, feeling irritable, moving more slowly or more quickly than usual. With small children we see them regress in their developmental stage of life. For example, a child who has successfully toilet trained and is now wetting the bed is showing signs of regressing. It is watching and documenting these behaviours over time that tells us changes in patterns.
What is the goal for parents who attend Therapy with a Psychologist?
Parents can attend therapy with their former spouse to learn to communicate better. They can learn problem solving strategies and identify what certain issues tend to cause difficulty between them. A Psychologist trained in mediation can assist parents to broker agreements so that the issues are managed well.
Parents can attend therapy individually as well. There are often residual feelings and frustrations for spouses long after the couple has separated. Understanding each partner’s contribution to the conflict and why the conflict has caused such disruption can help an individual parent to move on in their lives. Extreme dislike or hatred of the other parent is not considered a state of moving on and in fact can signal begin stuck in the old relationship. A psychologist can assist the individual parent to heal and to manage emotions that are overwhelming. A psychologist can also assist an individual parent to deal with the grief and loss of the marriage or relationship.
What do Children need from their parents while the separation is occurring?
Children need their parents to be managing their own emotions as best as possible. This doesn’t mean they need to see their parents always happy or without emotion. It is ok for parents to show sadness if it is not consistent and accompanied by a lack of capacity to provide care for the child. Parents who maintain their role as parent, keep children accountable and provide nurturing are likely seen as safe places for their kids. It is very helpful for children to continue to have one on one time with each parent where possible. In the event a new partner is in the picture it is important children feel they have not lost the attention of their parent for the sake of other stepchildren or a new adult. Sharing appropriate information regarding the other parent or the parent themselves is important. This is especially important depending on the child’s developmental stage of life.
For more information about children and what they need from their parent search parenting after separation Alberta or go to this website
The parenting after separation site also has a large list of resources for parents experiencing separation and divorce.
Are you ready for marriage counselling?
201-225 11th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB, T2G 0G3
Tel: 403-869-5080
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